Are You Using the Most Effective Form of Recognition?
When it comes to recognition, we certainly want to reward our employees, but also motivate them. That’s why leaders need to carefully consider the type of recognition they are giving.
When most of us think of giving recognition we jump to giving a reward. Many recognition programs reward employees with gift cards or even cash bonuses. This is known as an extrinsic motivator. Extrinsic motivators are not bad, but research shows they are not likely to be the most impactful and long-lasting for most employees.
So, what type of recognition is more impactful?
Intrinsic motivators!
Employees are motivated by genuine recognition that is based on something meaningful to them. Intrinsic recognition is often tied directly to a person’s daily tasks, and it acknowledges how those tasks are making an impact.
Recognition that is intrinsic creates a sense of purpose and increases job satisfaction over the long run.
Although it appears to be straightforward, proper and effective acknowledgement is frequently missed by leaders. Recognition that is tailored to your team members can go a long way toward increasing engagement!
Have you ever thought about how you can increase the amount of intrinsic recognition you give to your employees?
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