Does Your “To Do” List Control You? If So, It’s Time to Break Free.

With so much to do in such little time, it is easy to get overwhelmed by everything we have to get done. Most of us have “to do” lists, but rather than managing them, we let them control us. We jump from meeting to meeting without time to think and we spend large chunks of time responding to emails and messages that quite frankly, don’t always contribute to our goals.

Here is a simple framework for leaders to consider for planning, prioritizing, and maximizing time.

  • Identify your top priorities for the next quarter and write them down. Keep this list strategic and more big picture.

  • List the tasks that need to get done for each one of those priorities.

  • Identify the tasks that are strategic and require more “think time” - things that are important, but not urgent. Block time on your calendar to work on those items.

  • Identify the tasks that you can delegate, eliminate or defer and take action to get those off your plate.

  • List the tasks on your “to do” list that don’t contribute to your top priorities in #1 above. Determine how you can delegate, eliminate or defer them and take action to get them off your plate.

After going through this exercise, what do you notice that needs to change in how you spend your time?

Determine and write down how you will better align your tasks with your priorities and how often you will make adjustments.

Do you have other ideas to share on how to be more strategic with using your time? Please drop them in the comments below.

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