A Great Leader is an Encouraging Leader
As an Executive Coach, I hear a lot about the challenges leaders face with their teams – things like burn-out, motivation and accountability just to name a few. Those issues can be complex; however, there is one important characteristic that a leader can build that makes a big impact in nearly every area of challenge – encouragement!
Building habits that encourage others are contagious and can play a role in galvanizing employees into action and increasing engagement. Here are some tips for encouraging others that I have experienced and seen work well.
1. Show Gratitude
People like to know they are appreciated. Showing heart-felt gratitude does just that.
2. Exhibit Optimism
A leader with a positive demeanor amidst challenges helps people to press on toward the goal. It also helps others to see possibilities and take risks that lead to positive change.
3. Focus on Learning
When something goes wrong or a goal isn’t achieved, it is easy to get upset and for teams to feel like failures. Focusing on what was learned in those situations encourages people to improve rather than casting blame or giving up.
4. Share a Kind Word
Kind words go a long way, and their importance is often overlooked. A kind word may be as simple as noticing how hard someone is working, or it could be acknowledging and complimenting a person’s strengths.
I hope you will be inspired today to infuse more encouragement into your leadership. I am confident that not only will it positively impact your people and your culture, it will also do the same for you.
To learn how I help leaders increase confidence, build influence, increase engagement, and accelerate their career growth through leadership coaching, message me on LI or here on my website at allardconsultinggroup.com.